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Ricky Potts (Photo Credit: Sheryl Hugill)

Interview With Ricky Potts, Digital Communications Manager Troon

A Light Hearted Golf Q & A Interview

By Brian Weis

Below is an interview with Ricky Potts, the Digital Communications Manager at Troon. The following are a few traditional and non traditional golf centric questions that I love to ask influential people in the golf industry.

Can you provide our readers a brief biography?
In 1994, I was sitting at a Chili's in Ohio having lunch. I was young, had no idea what golf was, and watched a kid named Tiger Woods make a birdie putt on 17 at TPC Sawgrass during the U.S. Amateur. He would win, and I was hooked. Not sure if it was the straw hat or the fist pump... But I knew I wanted to play golf and wanted to follow, and eventually collect Tiger Woods memorabilia. Now I not only obsess over Tiger Woods, I work in the golf industry, play every weekend and will forever consider golf the greatest game ever played. I currently work for Troon in sales and marketing helping promote and brand the best golf courses in the world for the world's number 1 management company.

When did you start golfing and who introduced you to the game?
I played baseball growing up, but my dad introduced me to the game. When I reached high school, I had to pick... I wasn't allowed to play both sports. I picked golf. That was the right decision... That is for sure! Now I can't play enough.

What is your current home course?
Troon North Golf Club in Scottsdale, Arizona.

To date, what is your proudest golf accomplishment?
I could say making a double eagle during a high school golf match or chipping in for eagle with my dad by my side. But I think my proudest golf accomplishment is helping introduce people to the game of golf. I am growing the game of golf one golfer at a time, and when I die, if I was able to introduce this game to one person, then I consider it a job well done.

What is your biggest golf pet peeve on or off the course?
I hate it when someone hits in front of a birdie! I rarely care, but if I make a birdie, I love having the honors on the tee. I also hate it when people don't replace divots or fix ball marks on the green. Oh, and forgetting to rake the bunker. That bugs me, too!

What is your favorite club in your bag and why?
Most people would say the driver, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE my 56 degree wedge. If I am 85 yards or in, more than likely I am hitting the 56 degree wedge.

What is your favorite golf destination?
I live in Scottsdale... So, does Scottsdale count? I was coming to Scottsdale every year for golf trips, and was tired of booking flights. So I moved, and I play golf every week in a place that once was a travel destination.

What course is on your bucket list that you have not played yet?
I would love to visit Bandon Dunes. Pebble, too, but I am not paying $500 to play 18 holes of golf. I would like to see St Andrews, too.

If you woke up tomorrow and could play one course you played before, where would you play?
Pine Canyon in Flagstaff, Arizona. Hands down the best golf experience I have ever had.

If you could change one aspect, rule or thing about golf, what would it be and why?
I am not sure... I like to walk when I play, so I would love to see clubs promote walking and offer either discounted rates or a wide range of pull carts for walking golfers. Pace of play is a concern, too. Past more time between tee times, I am not sure what can be done to fix that. There is no silver bullet to "fix" pace of play.

Dream foursome (living)?
Tiger Woods. That's four, right? Past Tiger, I am not sure who I would want to play with...

Dream foursome (living or dead)?
Tiger Woods. I thought we already covered that!

18 Rapid Fire, Off The Cuff Questions

1) Hitting Long Drive OR Sinking Long Putt?
Sinking a long putt... Unless the wind is behind me, I rarely hit a long drive!

2) Having Round of Life OR Hole in One?
I have never had an ace... But last year played the round of my life. That was pretty great, but I want an ace!

3) Golfing at the crack of dawn OR twilight?
I hate waking up early.

4) Hit a power fade OR power draw?
I used to play a fade, but the older I get the better I get and now I play a draw. Hit a fade recently, and the ball ended up in the water. I will take the draw all day long. Ball travels further, too.

5) Beverage cart OR halfway house?
I rarely drink on the golf course, so I prefer the 19th hole.

6) Bathroom OR bushes?
That is why there is a bathroom in the first place... BUT... When nature calls!

7) Hot dog OR wrap?
Wrap. I LOVE wraps. Not a fan of hot dogs.

8) Around the green, being in sand OR thick rough?
Is this a trick question? I love a chip shot. #touch

9) Walking OR riding?
Walking. I would be fine never riding again.

10) Do you carry traditional 3 iron OR hybrid?
Hybrid. I might replace the 4 iron soon, too.

11) Do you prefer long par 3 OR long par 5?
I hate long par 3s. I love a good par 5.

12) Pants OR Shorts?
Pants unless it is 90+.

13) Palmer OR Nicklaus?

14) Beatles OR Elvis?

15) Play for fun OR play for money?
I never play for money. Not sure I ever have...

16) Bump and run OR flop shot?
I will just hit a 56 degree wedge. Either one.

17) Lay up OR gamble?
Depends on how many over par I am!

18) 18 holes OR 36?
36 if there is time.

Revised: 03/19/2015 - Article Viewed 32,262 Times

About: Brian Weis

Brian Weis Brian Weis is the Publisher of, a network of golf travel and directory sites including,,,, etc. Professionally, Brian is a member of the Golf Writers Association of America (GWAA), International Network of Golf (ING), Golf Travel Writers of America (GTWA), International Golf Travel Writers Association (IGTWA) and The Society of Hickory Golfers (SoHG). In 2016, Brian won The Shaheen Cup, an award given to a golf travel writer by his peers.

All of his life, Brian has been around the game of golf. As a youngster, Brian competed at all levels in junior and high school golf. Brian had a zero chance for a college golf scholarship, so he worked on the grounds crew at West Bend Country Club to pay for his University of Wisconsin education. In his adult years, his passion for the game collided with his entrepreneurial spirit and in 2004 launched In 2007, the idea for a network of local golf directory sites formed and was born. Today, the network consists of a site in all 50 states supported by national sites like, and It is an understatement to say, Brian is passionate about promoting golf and golf travel on a local, regional, national and international level.

On the golf course, Brian is known as a fierce weekend warrior that fluctuates between a 5-9 handicap. With a soft fade, known as "The Weis Slice", and booming 300+ drives, he can blast it out of bounds with the best of them.

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